Friday, May 28, 2010

Vacuum Cleaners for Defrosting Refrigerator
Steam vacuum cleaners are used for cleaning hard surfaces, such as bathrooms, tiled floors, and hard wood surfaces. In addition, these machines can help defrost freezers and refrigerators. The following are some tips for selecting and operating these machines for defrosting jobs.

Why Steam Cleaning Products?

It is common to find ice accumulating in the interior of refrigerators and freezers over time. In several cases, ice forms a stone-like thick substance that reduces the available space in refrigerators and freezers. The ice structure melts only at the exposure to a high temperature. Simply switching off the refrigerator will take a long time for the ice to melt. By using steam vacuum cleaners, you can melt even the thickest structure of ice within a matter of minutes.

How Does This Work?

Steam vacuum cleaners provide a very high output temperature. Machines from reputable suppliers provide an output temperature as high as 386°F, effective in quickly melting the ice from walls of a freezer or refrigerator. This range of temperature can melt any structure of ice, irrespective of its size.

Steam vacuum cleaners eject dry steam on to the ice stuck in freezers and refrigerators. The output quickly melts the ice into water. Most Daimer® machines are equipped with a vacuum, which extracts any dirt or impurities present in freezers. The wet vac also extracts the water resulting from melted ice, so that it cannot refreeze onto surfaces.

Where to Find Right Machines

It is important that you purchase the right machines. Reputable suppliers will offer quality products and excellent customer service. Daimer®, a market leader in the distribution of cleaning machines and products, offers many models of steam vacuum cleaners with advanced, exclusive ATIS® anti-bacterial technology. Visit their website at